Saturday, June 15, 2024

Sri Harinama Cintamani, a book in English by Bhaktivinode Thakura



Sri Harinama Cintamani
a book in English by Bhaktivinode Thakura



It's book no. 56 published by Kadacha Editions!

Table of Contents

Notes and thanks from the Editors

Introduction by Sri Bhaktivinoda Thakura

Words of enlightenment

Chapter 1

Introduction to the glories of the Holy Name

The principle regarding Krishna

Krishna and His potencies

The three types of manifestations

Spiritual manifestation

The Spiritual World of Krishna is Vishnu-tattva and Pure Reality

Mixed virtue

The expansion of spiritual potencies

The material potency, Maya-tattva

The manifestation of the Jiva

The liberated Jiva

The captive or adverse Jiva

Even then, Krishna is merciful

Auspicious material works and Karma-kanda

The method of rising above this state

Jnana-kanda - the happiness of merging with Brahman

What is Brahman?

Those who are against Krishna

The sukritis of those who favor Bhakti

Wanting to please the Karmis and Jnanis, the Lord creates an indirect path

For the Karmis, the Indirect Path of Bhakti is Mixed with Karma

The indirect path of the Jnani

The indirect path method

The indirect path is difficult in Kali-yuga

Understanding that the Name is the Primary Path

Sadhya and Sadhana, and Upaya and Upeya are identical Paths and the Holy Name is Primary

Chapter 2

Deliberation on the chanting of the Holy Name

The Greatness of Exclusive Bhajana

Sri Hari Dasa, the Acarya of the Holy Name

Symptoms of a Vaishnava

The symptoms of a superior Vaishnava

The symptoms of the highest Vaishnava

The intrinsic nature of the Holy Name

The Holy Name is eternally perfect

The eternal form of Krishna

The eternity of Krishna's qualities

The eternity of Krishna's pastimes

There is no difference between the spiritual Name, form, qualities and pastimes

The Holy Name is the basis of everything

The difference between a true Vaishnava and one who is a quasi-Vaishnava

In the world of Maya, only the Name of Krishna and the Jiva are spiritual

The difference between primary and secondary types of Holy Name

Primary Names

Secondary Names and their attributes

The various results from primary and secondary Names

The different results of the real Name and the semblance of the Name

The fault of interruption or separation

The two types of separation

The Mayavada conception of the separation of tattvas regarding the Name

The Name without separation is Suddha-nama

When the Anarthas are destroyed and Namabhasa is rejected, the divine Name manifests

One who has sraddha in the Holy Name is eligible for chanting. All potencies are within the Name

There are no barriers regarding place, time or impurity etc. regarding the Name

The Jivas of Kali-yuga who have firm faith in the Holy Name have the right to chant it

Accepting those things that are favorable to the Holy Name and rejecting those that are unfavorable

Chanting the Holy Name with unwavering concentration

Chapter 3

A deliberation on Namabhasa

Namabhasa - Ignorance and anarthas are like clouds and fog

The fog of ignorance creates confusion about spiritual reality

The clouds of Anarthas - Thirst for material things, weakness of heart and offenses

End of Namabhasa

Relationship, Method and Realization

Knowledge of one's relationship with Krishna

The result of Namabhasa

The attainment of Vaikuntha of Namabhasa

Indirect chanting, joking, disrespect and negligence – these are the four types of Namabhasa

The two types of Sanketa Namabhasa, or indirect chanting

Chanting as a joke

Chanting without respect

Chanting carelessly

Chanting with Sraddha and chanting with negligence are two different types of Namabhasa

Namabhasa destroys Anarthas and gives rise to Prema

The difference between Namabhasa and Namaparadha

Chaya and Pratibimba are two types of Abhasa - Chaya Namabhasa

A reflected glimmer of the Holy Name

The deception of Mayavada arises from Pratibimba Namabhasa

This deceptive Pratibimba Namabhasa is actually Namaparadha

The difference between Chaya Namabhasa and Pratibimba Namabhasa

Mayavada and Bhakti - How Mayavada philosophy is the opposite of Bhakti and is an offense

When the Mayavadi abandons his offense

By stating that Bhakti is not eternal, Mayavada is offensive

Through Namabhasa the Mayavadi obtains Sayujya, a Glimmer of Liberation

A Mayavadi never attains eternal bliss

He who chants Chaya Namabhasa does not follow deviant philosophies, but ultimately attains Suddha-nama

Devotees must certainly abandon the company of Mayavadis

Chapter 4

Offenses to the Holy Name - Criticizing Sadhus

The ten types of offenses against the Holy Name

The First Offense - Criticizing Sadhus

Explanation of the two symptoms of a Sadhu: the natural and marginal qualities

Svarupa Laksana is the Chief Quality, and when Tatastha Laksana arises, they take shelter of That

One does not become a Sadhu by the outward signs of Varnasrama and various types of attire – the symptom of a Sadhu is exclusive surrender to Krishna

Symptoms of a Sadhu householder

The qualities of the Sadhu who has renounced family life

The only quality shared by both the head of the family and the renouncer

One who criticizes a Sadhu who has surrendered exclusively to Krishna, because of his previous sins, or because of remaining traces of such deeds, is an offender of the Holy Name

The quality of a Sadhu is that he takes exclusive shelter of Krishna, but it is arrogance to identify oneself as a Sadhu

A few short words on how to decide who is a Sadhu

A Vaishnava who is absorbed in the Name is a true Sadhu, and insulting him is an offense

The power transmission of a Vaishnava

To find fault with a Vaishnava is to criticize a Vaishnava - To find fault with his birth, his previous defects, those defects which have almost disappeared and his momentary defects

A Sadhu who takes shelter of the Holy Name commits no offense against the Devas and Sastras

The two types of bad association - Inappropriate association with women

Who is attached to women?

The Second Type of Bad Associations - Those who are not devotees of Krishna are of three types

Those who declare that the condemnation of all these people is an insult to the Sadhus must also be rejected

The glimmer of a Vaishnava, the materialistic Vaishnava, the marginal Vaishnava and the neophyte Vaishnava, all these words mean the same thing

The Intermediate Vaishnava

The highest Vaishnava

An intermediate Vaishnava has to serve the Sadhus

The materialistic devotee is qualified for Namabhasa

The intermediate Vaishnava is qualified for the Holy Name, but must be cautious regarding offenses to the Name

What should one do if one has offended a Sadhu?

Chapter 5

The offense of considering the Devas as independent

The truth about Vishnu

The different Vibhinnamsa expansions of Vishnu and the fifty qualities possessed by the Jiva

Siva and other Devas are also Vibhinnamsa, but they are not ordinary Jivas since they possess fifty-five qualities

The sixty qualities present in Vishnu

Ignorant people consider Vishnu and other Devas to be equal

The conclusion regarding the debate between various doctrines

Duties of a Vaishnava family man

How does a Vaishnava perform the Dharma of the householder?

The rules for maintaining one's life by observing the rules of the four Varnas

The rules for people of low birth

Living within Varna-Dharma, a resident of this world walks on the path of Bhakti

The pure knowledge that Vishnu is no different from His Name and qualities

The fallacious arguments and the offense of the Mayavadis

The relationship between Vishnu and Brahma Tattva

Understanding that Siva and Vishnu are no different

The difference in the conduct and tendencies of a devotee and a Mayavadi

The remedy for this offense

Chapter 6

Neglecting or disobeying the Guru

The imprisoned Jiva must take shelter of an authentic Guru

The Brahmanas and other superior Varnas should be accepted as Gurus if they are qualified

The consideration of qualification is more important than Varna

A householder who renounces his home should take shelter of a Guru who is not a householder

The devotee who renounces his home should not reject his previous Guru

One who takes refuge in renunciation should accept a Guru who is a renunciate

Diksa and Siksa-Gurus should be given equal respect

One must behave according to the teachings of the Adi-Guru of the Sampradaya

One must accept a Guru within a Sampradaya

One never gets maximum benefit by accepting the krishna-mantra from a Mayavadi

Except a pure Vaishnava, no one else can be a Guru

The principle of Guru

Worship of the Guru

What kind of faith should one have in the Guru?

In what situation should one reject the Guru

Before the Guru-Disciple relationship, they must examine each other

After examining the pure Guru, one must accept them

Ways of serving the Guru

Chapter 7

Criticizing the Sruti-sastra

The Vedas are the only proof

The ten fundamental teachings and nine proofs found in the Vedas

Hari is the Supreme Truth, the Possessor of All Powers and the Incarnation of Rasa

The principle of Jiva

The two different types of Jiva are eternally bound and eternally liberated

The conditioned Jiva

The liberated Jiva

The Jiva in relation to simultaneous unity and difference

The seventh Prameya concerns Sambandha-jnana

Abhideya, the Nine Processes of Bhakti

The goal is Krishna-prema

Criticizing the teachings of the Sruti is an offense

The various philosophies that oppose the Vedas

Those who study these philosophies criticize the Srutis

All these doctrines insult the Srutis

The Mayavadi philosophy, which is contrary to the Vedas, is the most corrupt

Consulting the Srutis is the method of purification

The Vedas only give instructions on pure Nama-bhajana

The teachings of the Tamasika Tantras are opposite to the Vedas

The need for mercy by Maya Devi

The remedy for this offense

Chapter 8

The offense of interpreting the Holy Name

The glories of Nama

Krishna's name is the greatest of all

Those who use semantics with the Name certainly enter a hellish condition

The Name results are real. There is no need to exaggerate them

One should not abandon the idea that the results of karma are exaggerated

The Name is spiritual, it does not need any interpretation

With Namabhasa one obtains all the results of karma and brahma-jnana

Those who doubt the results of Nama do not get any auspiciousness

The Potency of The Name has Limitless Qualities which are Greater than the Potencies of Karma and Jnana

The remedy for this Aparadha

Chapter 9

The mentality of committing offenses relying on the strength of the Holy Name

Accepting the Name removes all Anarthas

Previous sins and traces of sins flee very quickly

Atonement is not required for those who engage in offenses out of foolishness

Considering the new sins committed by one who has taken refuge in the Name and performing them on the strength of the Name

The difference between acts performed by delusion and acts performed deliberately

The sinner who takes refuge in Nama remains far away, he who is absorbed in thinking of sense gratification offends the Name

A deceiver who makes a false display of faith in the Holy Name, but engages in sins renounces like monkeys do

Those who cannot take refuge in the Name without duplicity will inevitably commit this offense

Those people who chant Namabhasa and associate with such cheaters commit an offense

The ten kinds of offenses cannot affect one who takes refuge in Suddha-nama

How long does it take to become immune to this dangerous aparadha?

The remedy for this offense

Chapter 10

Giving instructions on the Name to those who do not have Sraddha

Resolute confidence in the Name makes you qualified

One becomes an offender of the Name by offering it to a person who does not have Sraddha

If someone without Sraddha asks for the Name, what is the correct course?

The remedy for this offense

The Lord's instructions on this point

The result of this offense

Initially, faith should be given, then instructions on the Name can be given

Chapter 11

Equating the Holy Name with other auspicious activities

The intrinsic nature of the Name

Krishna's feet are the focus. Those with different qualifications achieve many different types of results

The intrinsic nature of karma: all other virtuous activities are completely material. The goal is transcendental

Attaining the highest result through virtuous actions

With these methods there is a delay in achieving perfection

At the Time of Sadhana, Why is Hari-nama the Method?

The Name is pure virtue. Because of their offenses, the Mayavadis consider the Name on par with any other auspicious activity

The Name is both the means and the end

Auspicious activities are the indirect means and Nama is the direct means

The Name is beyond the senses

The happiness of absorption and identification with Brahman is but a shadow of that bliss

Other auspicious activities are different from the Holy Name

The remedy for this offense

Attachment to the name of Hari Dasa Thakura

Why the Name is the Yuga-dharma in Kali-yuga

Chapter 12

Inattention as an insult to the Name

Inattention as an insult to the Name

Inattention is known as Pramada

The three types of inattention

If you have not reached Anuraga, you should chant the Name with great care

The negligent Sadhaka cannot stabilize the mind

The rules for being careful

Another method, which does not lead to indifference

Symptoms of inattention resulting from laziness

Understanding the characteristics of distraction

The method to abandon distraction


The method

It is necessary to make a lot of effort. One must chant the Name sincerely, without duplicitous pretenses, otherwise there will be an offense

Chapter 13

The offense of thinking in terms of 'I' and 'mine'

The need to surrender to the Name

The various types of surrender

When you surrender, you give yourself completely

Taking refuge in the Name without surrender

What is the basis of this?

The method to give up this fault

The symptoms of those who are free from the ten offences

After a few days of chanting without offense, Bhava arises

The stages of advancement

Considering the opposite of this

Expertise in Bhajana

The gravity of Namaparadha

The method of not committing Namaparadha

Chapter 14

Offenses to service

The number of offenses to service

The four types

The thirty-two sevaparadhas

Other lists in other Sastras

One must avoid committing these offenses during Seva

All Vaishnavas reject Namaparadha

At the stage of Bhava-seva, Sevaparadha is negligible

One who is engaged in meditation on the Name should perform Bhava-seva

Chapter 15

The Method of Bhajana

An inquiry into Nama-rasa

The Science of Rasa

Cit-sakti reveals the supreme substance

The nature of Maya-sakti

The Jiva Sakti

The two types of Jivas

Rasa is the nature of Nama

Rasa is the nature of Krishna’s Form

Rasa is the nature of Krishna's Qualities

Rasa is the nature of Krishna’s Lila

The nature of Bhakti

The effects of Bhakti

Alambana as causal element of Rasa

Uddipana as the causal element of Rasa

Anubhava is derived from Vibhava

Rasa arises from Sthayi-bhava when activities in Vibhava are mixed with Sancari-bhava and Sattvika-bhava

The gradual path to reach it

The different qualifications and activities that lead to the path of Arcana, hearing and chanting

The gradual process of hearing and chanting the Name

The oneness of the Name, form and qualities

Worship through meditation on one’s mantra

Worship through spontaneous meditation

The abandonment of the subtle body and the attainment of Vastu-Siddhi

That state cannot be described, it can only be experienced

The Sadhana of Ekadasa Bhava

The five phases of Bhava-Sadhana

The initial stage of Sravana-Dasa

The principle of Bhava

Gradually reaching the stage of Varana-dasa

It should be said to Sri Gurudeva what one’s particular Ruci is

If one's Ruci is different, Gurudeva will present another type of Bhava

One must inform Gurudeva about one's Siddha Bhava

Firm acceptance

A Consideration of Impediments in Bhajana

The stage of Apana-dasa

The conditioned Jiva eventually reaches Bhava

The Smarana-dasa stage: the difference between Vaidha and Raganuga Bhava. The need for the latter

The gradual progress of the devotee following the path of Vaidha

At the stage of Apana Dasa, there is no difference between those devotees who follow the path of Raganuga and those who follow Vaidha

The five types of remembrance

The moment when the stage of Bhava arises

One’s state of being at that moment

In Apana-dasa, one attains Svarupa-Siddhi, and at the stage of Vastu-Siddhi, one's subtle body is uprooted

The results of Sadhana-Siddhi

Perfection is achieved through the Name

The process in brief

Association with Sadhus, favorable isolation and a mood of determination

The instruction of the Lord

Hari Dasa Thakura is the assistant in the propagation of the Holy Name


Kadacha Editions

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