Saturday, June 15, 2024

(2021-11-11) Bhagavad-Gita As It Is

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Bhajana Rahasya (in English)



 Sri Bhajana-rahasya was compiled by Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura. With this book, the great teacher gives us a hint of his own method of bhajana, a guide for his sincere followers. The undersigned Akincana, a few years ago, carefully observed him reciting the slokas contained in this text and at the same time enjoying the overwhelming ecstasy of God’s love.

The realm of Bhakti offers the arcana to those who are nistha at the level of kanistha. It is sometimes difficult for many to understand the difference between arcana and bhajana. That is why the word arcana is misunderstood as bhajana. The performance of navadha-bhakti (nine ways to connect to the Supreme Personality of Godhead) is the basis of bhajana. The arcana is included in navadha-bhakti and is therefore admitted as a part of bhajana. It can be concluded, therefore, that being the arcana part of the bhajana, it cannot be equivalent to the whole.

A sidelong glance – (A Book in English)


Srimati Radharani fascinates Sri Krishna by looking at him in this way. It is an irresistible and full of attractive look. We also have a strong desire to one day be fascinated by the way Srimati Radharani is, at all times, calling us back to the spiritual world, where life is filled with eternal knowledge and happiness.

"A Sidelong Glance" is a type of literature that in Sanskrit is called sangraha, or ‘collection of writings’. We write a lot, both for notes and for answering questions, and the only way to keep them from getting lost and to remain available for the present and future generations is to publish a book on a regular basis.
Most of these articles have been written by us and a few of them by other authors. We have chosen to publish the entire Puranjana story by Srila Prabhupada for the richness of its philosophical content. It is so beautiful and profound that we could not resist.



Sri Harinama Cintamani, a book in English by Bhaktivinode Thakura



Sri Harinama Cintamani
a book in English by Bhaktivinode Thakura



It's book no. 56 published by Kadacha Editions!

Table of Contents

Notes and thanks from the Editors

Introduction by Sri Bhaktivinoda Thakura

Words of enlightenment

Chapter 1

Sonhera, el pueblo de Sudevi Sakhi


Video Clases n. 80
Duración del video 11:04
Registrado el 14 de junio de 2024



La nostra casa en Youtube

Friday, June 14, 2024

Gauridas Pandita

El parama-guru[1] de Syamananda Prabhu fue Gauridasa Pandita, un contemporáneo de Sri Caitanya y Sri Nityananda, y uno de Sus devotos más queridos.

Vivía en un pueblo a orillas del río Ganges conocido como Ambika-Kalna. Sri Caitanya Caritamrita, de Srila Krishnadas Kaviraja, describe a Gauridasa Pandit como “el emblema del servicio devocional más elevado en amor por Dios; quien tuvo la mayor potencia para recibir y entregar tal amor. Convirtiendo al Señor Caitanya y al Señor Nityananda en los Señores de su vida, Gauridasa Pandit sacrificó todo por el servicio del Señor Nityananda”.

Una vez, cuando el Señor Caitanya se estaba preparando para tomar sannyasa[2], visitó a Gauridasa acompañado por Nityananda Prabhu.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

I Worship Gauracandra, the Golden Moon

I Worship Gauracandra, the Golden Moon

(6:00 a.m.—8:24 a.m.) Prātaḥ-līlā

I worship Gauracandra, the golden moon, lying asleep in His bed at sunrise, His body injured from the previous night’s saṅkīrtana. Mother Śacī entered His sleeping chambers, observed Gaura’s injuries and cried,

“O my son! How has Your body become wounded?”

In great anxiety, mother Śacī repeatedly caressed Gaura’s body to awaken Him and help Him rise from bed.